Thursday 23 April 2020

Advantages & Disadvantages of Pop up Ads

There are millions of websites on the internet, which makes it very likely for almost all of you having, at least once, stumbled upon pop up ads yourself. While pop up ads tend to be annoying and often unwelcomed, one often wonders if such pop up ads serve any real purpose and whether they are even effective, or just why do websites have pop ups. The website design expert suggests the following advantages of disadvantages of pop ups.

Advantages of Pop Ups
•It catches the attention of the viewers very quickly

•It reminds fellow visitors of any important or urgent information

•Encourages more conversions

•Is capable of keeping visitors on a particular webpage for longer time

•Engages visitors, while also encouraging interaction

•It is effective in gathering more information that could be later used for greater sales conversions

•Interrupts the attention-blindness of website visitors

•It’s a good gateway to other websites

Disadvantages of Pop Ups
•Pop up ads are annoying. Most website visitors would find pop up ads annoying and unwelcomed, regardless of how big or small it is, or where it is placed. Many times, visitors tend to get so annoyed that they rather choose to leave that website immediately.

•Pop up ads can distract and confuse the visitors.Pop up ads tend to irritate, frustrate, distract, and confuse the visitors to the website, suggests a web developer at the web development company. It is especially true when pop ups contain irrelevant messages or information, and it appears at a wrong webpage or at a wrong time.

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